Lab Experiment Study 1: Five Signaling Conditions
- Investigated experience and effectiveness of five signaling designs to guide item acquisition
- 5 feedback types: Tones; Speech; Haptic; Speech + Haptic; Tones + Haptic
- Wizard of Oz mockup of grocery shelves; prototype haptic glove system; camera
- Pilot study - 63 blind-folded undergrad students
- Main study - 11 people with visual impairments
- Arm-and-hand navigation support experienced as helpful
- Most effective and preferred feedback condition – Speech + Haptic
- Active engagement, social learning, and “shopping”
User Interface Prototype and Experimental Study
Lab Experiment Study 2: Two Designs for Multimodal Signaling
- Investigated two multimodal designs (speech and haptic vibration) to guide item acquisition
- Two speech+vibration conditions: Continuous versus Boundary condition
- Wizard of Oz mockup grocery shelves; haptic glove + bone conduction headset prototype system
- Pilot study – 5 blind folded sighted people
- Exploratory study – 12 visually impaired attendees at NFB PA State Convention
- Main study – 11 visually impaired people
- Both conditions were more effective than the earlier multimodal combinations from study #1, but no overall preference
- Personal level preferences and rationales
- A paper describing this work is in preparation
Experimental Study